Lesson Three deals with knowing God intimately. We can all know God in some way, but how well do we really know Him? Are you a little child or a mature father?
Theology: Lesson #3: The Existence Of God: Knowing God
IV. Intimately (John 2:2:12-14)
A. Little Children (v.12)
*τεκνια (tech-nee-a): offspring: the children of God (literally)
-These are young offspring; literally children of God
-Liken to a newborn
1. They are vulnerable to their environment
2. They are dependant upon others for care
3. They need to learn the basics of life
*The most important, and basic, level of knowing God
B. Little Children (v.13)
*παιδια (pie-dee-a): a more advanced child or a mature child
-These are those who are growing and learning
-There are learning who Daddy is and how He works
1. Through His instruction
2. Through His discipline and chastisement
C. Young Men (v. 13-14)
*νεαδνισκοι (ned-nis-koi): a young man – an attendant or servant
-These are those nearing full maturity
-These are the warriors, the energetic, the zealous
1. They have overcome the wicked one
-They can identify and avoid sin
-They know God’s Word and follow it for its truth, not because they have to or feel obligated to
-They send Satan home with his tail between his legs
2. They are strong
-By experience with their God
-By abiding in God’s Word
-By overcoming the wicked one
*The only way we overcome Satan is by abiding in God’s Word
D. Fathers (v.13-14)
*πατερ (pa-tear): a mature Christian – a spiritual father
-These are those who are mature in the faith
-They are known for their wisdom, not so much for their zeal
-These are those who have spiritual children
-Only a true father nurtures and cares for those he has parented (discipling)
-Any of the previous can lead someone to Christ
-These are those who are more heavenly minded, the more they grow
Download Lesson #3
Download Lesson #3 (Notes)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Lesson #2: The Existence Of God: Knowing God Part 1
Lesson two deals with the first of part of how to know God. We can know Him several ways; this covers the first two. I will let the lesson teach the rest. The notes and lesson are available for download below.
Theology: Lesson #2: The Existence Of God: Knowing God
I. Introduction
Recap of last week
II. Intuitively
-An innate knowledge that does not need to be learned
-Something “hardwired” into every man
-The only way something like this is ignored is if it is ignored or rejected
A. Creation (Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1-5)
1. Heavens: look at the sun, moon, and stars
-Think of the galaxies, the universe…
2. The Firmament: look at the clouds
-View the sunsets and feel the wind on your face…
3. The Day: the sun has risen from Day Four
-Feel the warmth and light on your face
4. The Night: look at the wonder of night life
-Enjoy the rest sleep brings and its rejuvenating capabilities
5. Their Words: all of Creation speaks of the glory of God
-No matter where you are, you can hear this message!
B. Conscience (Romans 1:19-23; 2:15)
*That which exists in every man that proclaims the holiness and existence of God*
-We are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26)
-He is a Trinity; we are a tri-unity
1. Body – consciousness of myself
2. Soul – consciousness of my need
3. Spirit – consciousness of God
-We can accept this light or reject it
C. Holy Spirit (John 16:7-8)
-This is the third person of the Trinity who convicts the unsaved and dwells within the believer
-He tells us that Scripture is true; therefore, God is real
1. Sin: there is a wrong way
2. Righteousness: there is a right way
3. Judgment: we will answer to someone in the end
III. Intellectually
-We can logically devise that God exists if we are honest and are seeking the Truth
A. Cosmological Argument
-The branch of astronomy dealing with the origin, structure, and space-time relationships of the universe
-Deals with the nature of the universe
*Argument from Nature or the Universe
- Speaks of everything having to have a producing cause
-How did the first heart start beating?
-How did the first wind start blowing?
-How did the first star begin to produce energy?
-Consider the Law of Inertia: a body in motion tends to stay in motion; one at rest tends to stay at rest
**Who put it all in motion?**
B. Teleological Argument
- Exhibiting or relating to design or purpose, especially in nature
*Argument for order, especially in nature
1. The Sun (93 mil. Mi. away)
-Minus 100,000 mi. we would be an ice ball
-Plus 100,000 mi. we would be too hot
2. The Moon
-Too many moons, or different moon positioning would cause major earthquakes
3. Vegetation
C. Ontological Argument
-A branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being
-Argument of necessary ideas
-Dealing with the innate knowledge of God
-At this point, all Eastern mystical religions fall on their faces
D. Anthropological Argument
-The study of mankind
-Argument of necessary differentiation
-We are different from the animals
-At what point did we stop being an animal and become human?
-Do we ignore the fact that we are different?
Recap of last week
II. Intuitively
-An innate knowledge that does not need to be learned
-Something “hardwired” into every man
-The only way something like this is ignored is if it is ignored or rejected
A. Creation (Romans 1:20; Psalm 19:1-5)
1. Heavens: look at the sun, moon, and stars
-Think of the galaxies, the universe…
2. The Firmament: look at the clouds
-View the sunsets and feel the wind on your face…
3. The Day: the sun has risen from Day Four
-Feel the warmth and light on your face
4. The Night: look at the wonder of night life
-Enjoy the rest sleep brings and its rejuvenating capabilities
5. Their Words: all of Creation speaks of the glory of God
-No matter where you are, you can hear this message!
B. Conscience (Romans 1:19-23; 2:15)
*That which exists in every man that proclaims the holiness and existence of God*
-We are made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26)
-He is a Trinity; we are a tri-unity
1. Body – consciousness of myself
2. Soul – consciousness of my need
3. Spirit – consciousness of God
-We can accept this light or reject it
C. Holy Spirit (John 16:7-8)
-This is the third person of the Trinity who convicts the unsaved and dwells within the believer
-He tells us that Scripture is true; therefore, God is real
1. Sin: there is a wrong way
2. Righteousness: there is a right way
3. Judgment: we will answer to someone in the end
III. Intellectually
-We can logically devise that God exists if we are honest and are seeking the Truth
A. Cosmological Argument
-The branch of astronomy dealing with the origin, structure, and space-time relationships of the universe
-Deals with the nature of the universe
*Argument from Nature or the Universe
- Speaks of everything having to have a producing cause
-How did the first heart start beating?
-How did the first wind start blowing?
-How did the first star begin to produce energy?
-Consider the Law of Inertia: a body in motion tends to stay in motion; one at rest tends to stay at rest
**Who put it all in motion?**
B. Teleological Argument
- Exhibiting or relating to design or purpose, especially in nature
*Argument for order, especially in nature
1. The Sun (93 mil. Mi. away)
-Minus 100,000 mi. we would be an ice ball
-Plus 100,000 mi. we would be too hot
2. The Moon
-Too many moons, or different moon positioning would cause major earthquakes
3. Vegetation
C. Ontological Argument
-A branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature and relations of being
-Argument of necessary ideas
-Dealing with the innate knowledge of God
-At this point, all Eastern mystical religions fall on their faces
D. Anthropological Argument
-The study of mankind
-Argument of necessary differentiation
-We are different from the animals
-At what point did we stop being an animal and become human?
-Do we ignore the fact that we are different?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Theology #1: The Existence Of God
Theology: Lesson #1: The Existence Of God
I. Introduction
What Is Theology? The Study of God
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
A. Speaks of His Eternity: He was there before the beginning and does not have a beginning
B. Speaks of His Existence: It declares that He is, not questioning His existence
C. Speaks of His Ownership: He created all that we see and know, and thus owns it all
D. Speaks of His Divine Power: He had the power to create the universe and its contents
-Genesis is the book of beginnings.
-If one believes Genesis, many issues in life are solved.
-You cannot believe part of the Bible; it is either all or none.
II. Systems Of Theology
A. Deism: God is the maker, but not the keeper of the universe (Genesis 1:26-30; 2:16-17)
B. Theism: God exists, and is real intellectually, but is never made personal (II Timothy 3:7)
C. Atheism: God does not exist at all (Psalm 14:1; Psalm 53:1)
D. Agnosticism: Unknown whether God exists or not (Romans 1:20; Romans 2:15)
E. Skepticism: Scripture is doubted, therefore God is doubted (Matthew 16:1-4; 22:23-33)
F. Pantheism: God is everywhere and in everything (Genesis 1:26-27; John 4:24)
What Is Theology? The Study of God
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
A. Speaks of His Eternity: He was there before the beginning and does not have a beginning
B. Speaks of His Existence: It declares that He is, not questioning His existence
C. Speaks of His Ownership: He created all that we see and know, and thus owns it all
D. Speaks of His Divine Power: He had the power to create the universe and its contents
-Genesis is the book of beginnings.
-If one believes Genesis, many issues in life are solved.
-You cannot believe part of the Bible; it is either all or none.
II. Systems Of Theology
A. Deism: God is the maker, but not the keeper of the universe (Genesis 1:26-30; 2:16-17)
B. Theism: God exists, and is real intellectually, but is never made personal (II Timothy 3:7)
C. Atheism: God does not exist at all (Psalm 14:1; Psalm 53:1)
D. Agnosticism: Unknown whether God exists or not (Romans 1:20; Romans 2:15)
E. Skepticism: Scripture is doubted, therefore God is doubted (Matthew 16:1-4; 22:23-33)
F. Pantheism: God is everywhere and in everything (Genesis 1:26-27; John 4:24)
G. Polytheism: Many gods exist, not just one (Genesis 1:1; Acts 17:22-34)
H. Tritheism: Three gods exist, not just one (Genesis 1:1)
I. Duelism: Two gods exist, opposing good and evil (Genesis 1:1)
J. Monotheism: One God exists, but not in three persons (Genesis 1:1)
III. The Names Of God
A. Elohim: Putter Forth of Power/Strong One
B. Jehovah: Redeeming One
C. Adonai: Master/Owner
D. Name Combinations
H. Tritheism: Three gods exist, not just one (Genesis 1:1)
I. Duelism: Two gods exist, opposing good and evil (Genesis 1:1)
J. Monotheism: One God exists, but not in three persons (Genesis 1:1)
III. The Names Of God
A. Elohim: Putter Forth of Power/Strong One
B. Jehovah: Redeeming One
C. Adonai: Master/Owner
D. Name Combinations
Welcome all to this new website. This was created to help others who are teaching Sunday School to have a ready outline and notes available for teaching Bible Doctrine. II Timothy 2:2 tells us to commit the things taught us to faithful men who will teach others the same. These things were taught to me by Mr. Keith Kiser at Crown College (Powell, TN) to give to others. These notes are from his lectures, but also include my own personal work. I would encourage you to teach these things, as they are biblical, but to also study them for yourselves. We need to teach doctrine to our fellow believers, for too many exist in Christian circles that do not know what they believe!
A little background for myself. I graduated from Crown College of the Bible with a Bachelors in Biblical Studies for the Pastoral Ministry in 2004. My Master of Ministry degree was earned in 2008. The academics mean nothing if not applied practically and biblically. I am currently Music Director and Sunday School Teacher of young couples at Victory Baptist Church (Boonsboro, MD) under Pastor Edward J. Wade. My wife and I are thankful to serve at this church, with our three children, with hopes of starting a church someday.
Everything given in these lessons are biblical! If you disagree with anything and wish to comment or question, please feel free to contact me directly at NTCPlanters@Yahoo.com. I will email you back and talk civily, but will not debate. Scripture is meant to be given as fact and obeyed as such. Debating often falls to opinions.
I hope these lessons are a blessing and help to you. They are free, of course, and are meant to be taught freely to others. It will cost you something...time...and hard work, but you will reap the rewards in those who take the lessons to heart. May God bless you!
A little background for myself. I graduated from Crown College of the Bible with a Bachelors in Biblical Studies for the Pastoral Ministry in 2004. My Master of Ministry degree was earned in 2008. The academics mean nothing if not applied practically and biblically. I am currently Music Director and Sunday School Teacher of young couples at Victory Baptist Church (Boonsboro, MD) under Pastor Edward J. Wade. My wife and I are thankful to serve at this church, with our three children, with hopes of starting a church someday.
Everything given in these lessons are biblical! If you disagree with anything and wish to comment or question, please feel free to contact me directly at NTCPlanters@Yahoo.com. I will email you back and talk civily, but will not debate. Scripture is meant to be given as fact and obeyed as such. Debating often falls to opinions.
I hope these lessons are a blessing and help to you. They are free, of course, and are meant to be taught freely to others. It will cost you something...time...and hard work, but you will reap the rewards in those who take the lessons to heart. May God bless you!
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