Thursday, May 22, 2008


Welcome all to this new website. This was created to help others who are teaching Sunday School to have a ready outline and notes available for teaching Bible Doctrine. II Timothy 2:2 tells us to commit the things taught us to faithful men who will teach others the same. These things were taught to me by Mr. Keith Kiser at Crown College (Powell, TN) to give to others. These notes are from his lectures, but also include my own personal work. I would encourage you to teach these things, as they are biblical, but to also study them for yourselves. We need to teach doctrine to our fellow believers, for too many exist in Christian circles that do not know what they believe!

A little background for myself. I graduated from Crown College of the Bible with a Bachelors in Biblical Studies for the Pastoral Ministry in 2004. My Master of Ministry degree was earned in 2008. The academics mean nothing if not applied practically and biblically. I am currently Music Director and Sunday School Teacher of young couples at Victory Baptist Church (Boonsboro, MD) under Pastor Edward J. Wade. My wife and I are thankful to serve at this church, with our three children, with hopes of starting a church someday.

Everything given in these lessons are biblical! If you disagree with anything and wish to comment or question, please feel free to contact me directly at I will email you back and talk civily, but will not debate. Scripture is meant to be given as fact and obeyed as such. Debating often falls to opinions.

I hope these lessons are a blessing and help to you. They are free, of course, and are meant to be taught freely to others. It will cost you something...time...and hard work, but you will reap the rewards in those who take the lessons to heart. May God bless you!

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